March’s Astrological Activity — 2017

The Month begins with many of us still feeling the energy and power of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 10th, and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th! The activity from these Eclipses can last several months and we can expect the unexpected. Especially if one or more of your Planets, Ascendant, Mid-heaven, etc. were directly involved — you may be reeling from some surprising happening, or overwhelmed with emotion and find it difficult to return to the norm. Allow yourself some slack as the month rolls forward, there will be time to settle down, and you will be able to get things back on schedule.

The 2nd of the month brings Jupiter in Libra in opposition to Uranus in Aries in the evening, the Zodiac House placement  of these two behemoths will give you some idea of the interesting and exciting manner in which this aspect may express itself. Jupiter in Libra is all about bringing balance in a good way into our lives, allowing us to “see” both sides of any situation, however, Jupiter almost always puts a positive spin on our outlook — but when opposite the quirky and explosive Uranus in Aries we have two giants pushing us to make decisions quickly perhaps without having done our due diligence. With Jupiter in Retrograde mode, we will be slowed down a bit in making rash decisions, still if you have a sudden unexpected happening that requires some major change in your life, take a few extra moments to calmly decide how any decision you make will affect you in the long run. Jupiter will provide a protective aura, but mighty Uranus will provoke the need for a fast response — breathe, listen to your inner voice of reason, and make sure the end results will satisfy all your short and long term needs !

On the 4th of the Month, Venus begins her Retrograde motion in Aries at 13 degrees of the sign lasting until April 15th, we may see an uptick in stalled romances, partners not communicating in a positive way, and generally a slowdown of those heartfelt desires we may have been looking forward to coming to fruition. Don’t give up on your dreams, but be aware that more work may have to be done in order for you to reach your goals. We also may find we are  reassessing some of our relationships — don’t be too precipitous to drop an old friend you’ve had a tiff with — and give yourself the gift of time to really understand what might be going on within any loving connection.

The Full Moon crests on the 12th at 9:54 AM EST at 22 degrees of Virgo opposite Mercury — think carefully about what you say — especially when at an arbitrary meeting or when you may not have all of the facts about the issues under discussion. Also, hold your tongue before maligning someone — specifically if your information is second-hand, consider the source! Try to be kind or at least open to those who may already be having a bad day. The 27th brings us the New Moon in Aries at 7 degrees of the sign at 9:57 PM EST (add one hour for DST). Riding along with Venus in the sky, it may be the time for any single to seek out that special someone — just remember not to overwhelm them with your robust and hearty persona — perhaps a little less self-confidence and more humility will work best. With the New Moon in the first sign of the Zodiac, this month’s New Moon bring that refreshing powerful Aries energy that  we can use to put forth our affirmations in a positive and vigorous way.  Start your Astrological year ahead with powerful and decisive affirmations to begin this year with an upbeat, fiery and sizzling hot list to stimulate your most desired intentions. On the 13th Mercury enters Aries adding to the Stellium of Planets in Pisces/Aries throughout the month. On the 18th Mercury meets up with Venus, spurring us on with extra energy for whatever the day will bring. Try to plan an important discussion over breakfast with a loved one for best results.

The Spring Equinox occurs on the 20th this year when the Sun enters Aries at 5:29 AM EST (add one hour for DST). The ancients revered this astrological moment as one of great importance — festivals, prayers, incantations, and rites of magic were performed to welcome the new period of growth and life. They marked this season with joyful ceremonies as the Sun grew stronger and warmer upon the Earth. Mother Nature was once again giving forth her bounty in Spring rains that gave rebirth to the soil. The cycle of sowing, growing, reaping and rest is once again in play, and the life-giving cadence that assures we humans will survive allows us to bring forth our own hopes and dreams for a better future. Take a moment to reflect upon this ancient ritual of our life — and thank those who came before us for their determination, sense of purpose, fortitude and faith that they would endure, nay — that they would thrive!

There is so much stimulation with so many Planets in Pisces/Aries that this area of your chart will be in the spotlight. Having so much Pisces influence can bring our intuition to the fore, giving us some idea of the way the future is unfolding — and Aries is in the wings, just waiting for the word to go on stage in order to get your agenda moving. This grouping is an opportunity to use both our spiritual and physical personae to truly see in a pragmatic yet omniscient way, where we are heading. Tune in to your spiritual core and peruse your options, and when you have a handle on what you want to do — put your Aries power into overdrive and get working on your dreams.

Mars moves into Taurus on the 9th, changing his persona from all action and bluster, to a more steady and determined goal-oriented demeanor. Use this time to get all of your ducks in a row — when Mercury enters Aries on the 13th you will have new and better ideas about your pathway ahead. Using both of these Planet’s better qualities you can make a definitive plan to further your objectives. Aim for a steady forward movement with brighter and more innovative ideas to increase your chances for success.

On March 1st later in the evening, the Sun catches up with Neptune perhaps stimulating our dream states and bringing us new ideas from our subconscious mind. Try to remember any innovative ideas that may have been hatched whilst under the influence of slumber, when our minds are free to roam freely throughout the Universe. The 2nd, of course brings that Jupiter and Uranus opposition — under the influence of these giants, give yourself a little time to “feel” the information that is being created in order to fathom its deepest meanings.On the 4th we have Mercury meeting with Neptune, with the alarm clock — your imagination may be running amok — so slow down in order to glean more information before acting. Mars and Saturn are in good aspects on the 5th in mid-afternoon, perhaps a luncheon or early dinner will prove to be productive and a source of interesting information. Mercury square Saturn on the 12th may prove to lead to timing issues as Daylight Savings Time starts on this day — make sure you have set your clocks 1 hour ahead, especially as the Full Moon in Virgo crests a few hours later adding to any confusion. During the evening rush hour on the 17th, a Sun/Saturn clash could lead to accidents or road-rage incidents, try to drive defensively. A Mercury/Venus meeting on the 18th might bring a productive early  breakfast meeting.Mercury opposite Jupiter on the 24th also at breakfast time may find you making big plans or have lofty ideas — allow these to simmer on the back-burner while you ponder all of the pitfalls.Venus conjuncts the Sun in early Aries on the 25th as we awaken — making us remember a warm encounter with a new acquaintance who may be worth pursuing.Mercury connects with Uranus on the 26th during mid-morning perhaps bringing a news story that gets you agitated or upset, don’t make any decisions until after the New Moon crests on the 27th in Aries, you will have a better idea of what to do for the best. Mercury and Saturn are jolly good friends on the 29th helping you to think clearly, with good information and able to make an experienced decision. The 30th has Jupiter irritating Pluto after the lunch hour, try not to get off balance as you may not have all the facts, don’t presume anything! On the 31st Mercury enters Taurus where a slower but steadier pace can be entertained. Reasoned thinking will be in place rather than opting for any half-baked ideas. Welcome Spring!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all !!!