Saturn in Aquarius Through Zodiac Houses Ten to Twelve

Saturn is now Retrograding in the sign Capricorn until Late September, when it returns to  Direct Mode, and will once again enter into the sign Aquarius on December 18th this year. Whilst Saturn has Retrograded into Capricorn, we have had the opportunity to review our past actions, that perhaps didn’t work out especially well, or we may have had the relief of being able to repair something that went awry and have learned Saturn’s lessons with hind- sight that is almost always 20/20!

We will now try to give some idea of what Saturn in Aquarius might have in store for the last three signs of the Zodiac. Keeping in mind that Saturn revolves around the Zodiac in 28 to 30 years — so all of us over the age of 30 will have been tested by Saturn. There will have been some difficult and/or extremely emotional happenings, that are tailor-made for us, to be able to learn some of the truths and guiding principles of life, in order that we may become our  most evolved soul. As I have said before — we are Human-BEings!  We are all in the evolutionary process of finding our way to perfection — however — not in this single lifetime!

Saturn is our Teacher, Taskmaster, and our Moral Conscience — when we follow Saturn’s Directives — we thrive and grow. Ignoring Saturn’s lessons — we are abashed and must learn these lessons over and over again. I don’t believe we learn all of Saturn’s lessons in the first cycle around our Zodiac Chart — however — we must begin to listen to Saturn’s urging as the Planet keeps moving around the Zodiac. Depending on what degree and sign Saturn originates in your own Zodiac Chart — in 28/30 years it will have completed its orbit.

Of course, any Planets that are conjunct, opposite or any other connection to Saturn, will be emphasized as Saturn encounters these Celestial Bodies. Saturn can bring both positive and negative vibrations — and to end on an optimistic note — following Saturn’s teachings can bring major rewards into our lives.

Saturn in Aquarius in the Tenth Zodiac House — The “Midheaven” — the cusp of the 10th Zodiac House is of utmost importance, and any Planet or Light located here is of significance. It highlights our Social standing and perhaps gives us a clue as to what we may be interested in pursuing during our lifetime. However, Saturn entering this House can be here to help us climb the ladder of success, or give us a wake up call in order to bring our attention to the fact that we are not following our Karmic path. Our standing in our community, dealing with those who hold a position of importance, our business and/or our career are all located in this significant House.

Saturn in Aquarius herein, will show us how far we have come, or let us know how we may have fallen behind in our journey to reach our highest potential. Depending on the lessons we have learned or should have learned, Saturn in Aquarius will awaken our inner psyche in order to allow us to realized our own shortcomings or indeed, reward us for having learned those things we needed to know in order to move forward. Opposite the Fourth Zodiac House of our foundations and family ties, we have to be aware of those lessons we learned from our forebears, and what traditions and mores we know are important to uphold.

The sign Aquarius with the symbol of the Water-bearer is often confused for being a Water Sign — it is not! Aquarius is an Air Sign and hence has much to do with our understanding and mental capacity for learning with empathy and compassion for the Human spirit. Saturn in Aquarius is bringing a more serious note to this sign, that is often considered quirky and unique — but also a very deep thinking sign that is often underestimated. Yes there are the Aquarius folks who are “Far-Out” — they follow their own rules, and find any conventional mores to be stuffy and outdated. These are our outliers who make us aware that there are many ideas about how life should be lived. They push the envelope of our understanding and also tweak us when we cannot see anything but what our own family traditions hold. They can be our conscience, or our cheerleaders — they are never without an eye to the future.  But there are also those brilliant Aquarius geniuses who have brought the World new inventions, ancient knowledge, and a fascinating outlook on our human condition. Saturn in Aquarius in the Tenth Zodiac House is your opportunity to find that special knack that is yours alone — that will enhance, advance and complete your idea of what your life should, and could be during this lifetime.

Saturn in Aquarius in the Eleventh Zodiac House — The Eleventh Zodiac House has many avenues to pursue — herein lies some of our hopes and dreams, also our close friends, our social groups, any associations we belong to, and perhaps some of our habits (opposite the Fifth Zodiac House) positive or negative  as the Fifth House rules romance, children, gambling, and hobbies. The best way to use Saturn in Aquarius in this area is to be faithful to your long term goals, stay in contact with your oldest friends and welcome new ones. Keep your connections with your social clubs, functions, and colleagues on track in order to stay aware of any changes that might be occurring. Be assured that you might be tempted to take what seems like the easy path — but paying your dues with hard work and honesty, will serve you best in the long term

With Saturn within this House, you may find that Mentor that you were looking for in your chosen field, and/or become a Mentor to someone who could use your expertise. Allow others into your thinking about your future goals and plans, in order that they may be able to help out with knowledge or opportunities that you were not aware were opening in your area. This House is all about you going that extra mile in your business or avocation so that others can see your talents and abilities. Indeed — this may be the time that you can really aspire to a higher standard of living, a job offer that will truly use your know-how, and expand your social circle to include some of the movers and shakers in your realm.

If you are responsible for pets in your family, you may want to be sure they have their usual check-ups and perhaps you are ready to add a new pet to your family — under Saturn in Aquarius aura — it will be sure to be unique! Also, since this is opposite the Fifth House of pleasurable activity, you don’t want to overdo it — be sure you take care of your own health and of those who are within your care. You will have opportunities to find some amazing and interesting new endeavors — if you keep an open mind and don’t put too many roadblocks in the way.

This could be a year of growth, understanding, and ultimately change — if you are ready to accept the gifts the Universe is willing to send your way.

Saturn in the Twelfth Zodiac House — I am sure I have said it before, but the Twelfth Zodiac House is one of a Karmic nature — our Past Lives can often be hinted at within, perhaps some of our Karmic debts will have to be fulfilled if there are Planets here, and opposite the Sixth  Zodiac House it may be that our service to others will be important, our health may be impacted, and our co-workers may have a part to play in whatever area we are working within. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy here, but there is always a way out of any past-life debt by making this life work in redemption. Often those with a strong amount of Planetary activity here or opposite, in the Sixth Zodiac House will have a life of service.

They may find that they are comfortable in working in a hospital setting, or even in prisons. Within this House there may be hints about past mistakes, that need to be addressed in order for you to move on in this lifetime. I believe that those who find life difficult have the opportunity to create a life, that will truly help them in their journey to evolve to an ever higher stage of humanity. Perhaps this Zodiac House is the beginning of a new and more superior level of advancement, for those who humbly choose to work within the boundaries, that the Universe has chosen for them in this lifetime.

Especially since this House holds the sign Aquarius — there will indeed be a chance to actually make a difference in the lives of others. This humanitarian sign can bring a sense of duty and obligation for others. Also, it could be that you are meant to bring happiness and joy with artistry, creativity and invention. Of course, the fields that you choose can be from music to sculpture — dance to painting — magic to science! Any creative field that you alone have the ability to share with others. The journey of Saturn in Aquarius in the Twelfth Zodiac House can be one of imagination, originality and innovation. Nothing is off the table — Saturn will try to bring your most unique, fascinating, charming and mesmerizing talents to the fore. Work with this extraordinary time span to find your own inner beauty to share with everyone!

Saturn in Aquarius will open our eyes, our hearts, our chakras, our minds to show us just how spectacular we can be if we  are ready to learn. We can become our most amazing selves with the help of Saturn in Aquarius — believe, trust and imagine that the best is yet to come.




November’s Astrological Activity — 2016

Beginning with “All Souls Day” — November can seem to have a somber or melancholy beginning when we take a moment to remember those who have crossed over. But I somehow find that remembering those we have lost brings me some comfort in knowing that I had the opportunity and pleasure of knowing and loving them. I recall those happy times we shared, the love and understanding that made difficult times easier, the laughter that invaded our psyches with some silly moment that broke the anxiety and tension of our daily lives.  I wouldn’t have missed a moment of knowing those who have gone before me — they enriched my life, taught me lessons, buoyed up my confidence when I had lost it, helped me learn how important traditions were, how intertwined our lives were — not just in this lifetime, but in others long past. Our family ties that have history and ancient beginnings, all of our loved ones that went too soon, but had shared a special moment, a thought, an idea that took root. Those friends that seemed like family who encouraged us, and accepted us as we were (warts and all) and loved us in spite of our human failings. All those cousins, aunts and uncles, parents, perhaps siblings and/or children, and friends that have proceeded into the millennia of time and space — and knowledge and truth. I honor them with the knowledge that their lives had meaning, they were loved, they had their journey here on Earth and their pathway led them to where they were meant to be. I mourn for them but within my own soul I know they continue, they thrive and they have found their authentic soul-persona. They are risen into the light of a miraculous dawn — they know the strength of true love, the solace of the infinite, the joy of freedom and the munificence of peace. Take a moment today to bask in the fond memories of those who have crossed over into the infinity of the continuum of time and space. May their Spirits be free and may they know Peace!

Now — as the month progresses, we are starting our countdown to the hectic activity of preparing for the Holiday Season! Menus are being planned, thoughtful gifts are searched for in the busy marketplace, and the wonder in our children’s eyes bring back the true meaning of this season — faith, love, kindness, sharing, giving, honoring, celebrating, and family! How lucky are we to be able to enjoy these heady times with those who mean the most to us — how blessed are we just to BE!

The Sun in Scorpio until the 21st will have us looking inward and trying to find what it is we really want out of life. Our inner being has all of our answers if we but listen closely and truly accept what we are hearing and feeling. The depth of Scorpio is often a bit overwhelming to us as we don’t always want to “hear” the truth. But — if we can take a step back and allow ourselves to take everything into consideration, and not just focus on the negative and/or positive — we will be able to adjust our thinking to a more productive and proactive state in which we can use all of our energy in a positive manner. When the Sun enters Sagittarius our psyches will be better prepared to enjoy this Jupiterian sign of good-will and fortune!

This month’s Full Moon is in the sign Taurus on the 14th at 22 degrees and crests at 8:53 AM EST — this timing is always an issue with rush-hour traffic — so allow yourself a little extra time to get to work without being overly stressed. As often noted, the greatest intensity of a Full (or New Moon) is in the few hours before it crests — so being forewarned is to be forearmed. The New Moon is late in the month on the 29th in the sign Sagittarius at 7 degrees and crests at 7:19 AM EST — although not having the onus of dire proceeding as a Full Moon — the extra energy created may influence some sensitive souls to exceed speed limits or be distracted while driving — so also a caveat about the rush-hour commute. Of course, New Moon energy is more positive and we can all use this time to create our own reality with our affirmations written during this day!

An early morning Venus trine Uranus connection on the 5th may have brought us interesting dreams or perhaps a brilliant idea that can be turned into a valued product, new method of coping, or maybe just a lovely morning spent romantically with a loved one. On the 7th the Sun in good aspect to Pluto may start your day off with a renewed sense of self and confidence, just be sure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. Mars our Planet of passion and power will enter Aquarius on the 9th just as the day begins — a bit of confusion may ensue as Mars needs a little time to adjust to this airy, intelligent sign. More cerebral than Mars usual physical attitude, there will be some tug-of-war between the two before they settle into an uneasy truce in order to find some common ground. The 11th finds Lady Venus also changing signs moving from jolly Sagittarius into stoic Capricorn — although her flirtatious and irrepressible manner in Sagittarius will be toned down, our Lady Venus will find a way to make her stay in Capricorn work for her. She will be more able to get through the Holiday activity with some practical and useful abilities that will make things go more smoothly. Mercury will enter Sagittarius on the 12th bringing a flurry of activity that will make our heads spin for a while, until we can absorb this delightful time-span, in order to help us move forward with our plans for the celebrations to come.  On the15th Mercury meets up with Mars at mid-day giving us a quick wit and facile mind — perhaps a lunch meeting will have you impressing your superiors. The 18th has Mercury in flux with Neptune mid-morning making us open to believing those who may not be as truthful as we would wish — allow some time to pass before acting on any scheme or plan that might be fishy! Venus in good aspect to Neptune on the 19th at dinnertime will stimulate our imagination and allow us to appreciate those we love, and Hip-Hip-Hooray — Neptune turns direct late tonight — bringing us a more uplifting and spiritual outlook in order for us to take the high-road in all of our dealings. Mars meets up with Neptune on the 21st in the early afternoon stimulating your innate knowing and allowing you to connect to others in a karmic and spiritual manner. Later on in late evening the Sun and Jupiter may push you to say yes to doing too much — and you will find you are better off just by saying NO! The 23rd finds Mercury and Saturn in concert letting us know we have to make careful plans in order to prepare calmly for our Thanksgiving feast, especially since there is a Jupiter/Pluto clash on the 24th at the evening dinner hour that may bring conflict or sharp words — as my Mother would say “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything!” — you don’t have to apologize for something NOT said! Black Friday brings Venus in touch with Pluto and in conflict with Jupiter in the morning  — before expressing disdain or jealousy — take a deep breath and hold your tongue — allow some time to pass before expelling any ire. The next day (26th) is so much better to see things a bit clearer and to explain your frustration and/or disappointment. As the month begins to wain, the 29th brings our New Moon in Sagittarius with its uplifting look to the future, but also some stress between Lady Venus and Uranus that may make us want our freedom and we may make rash decisions that won’t bode well for our relationships. As we end this month and look forward to the busyness of December, let’s remember to breathe, relax and take a step back before plunging into the dizzying activity that is the precursor to our end-of-year Holidays.

We are entering the season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa — of  joy and  goodwill to men — let us all be aware of our many blessings and be grateful that we all live in this amazing country of opportunity and freedom.

Happy Thanksgiving to all — Blessings and Peace!


Lady Venus Enters Sagittarius — October 18th 2016

Lady Venus gets a bit giddy as she get ready to enter the sign of Sagittarius — although a Fire sign, Venus seems to be able to use this fiery energy to exploit Her wilder side. On the 1st at 4:15 AM EST — Lady Venus leaves sensual and sexy Scorpio to move forward into playful  and vivacious Sagittarius until her short reign here is over on Christmas Day December 25th at 12:26AM EST, and She moves on to proper and practical Capricorn.

Of course we want to ensure that we get the most out of Lady Venus in Sagittarius, and the adventurous and spicy flavor that comes with this placement, we should make our plans now to use this vivacious transit of Lady Venus to our best advantage. Lady Venus in Sagittarius will give all of us a run for the money — in Sagittarius Lady Venus becomes playful, spirited, and a totally flirtatious vixen. Lady Venus enjoys the lighthearted and spirited aura of Sagittarius allowing Her to throw caution to the wind and use her more coquettish persona in attracting those who have the same agenda.

Lady Venus in Sagittarius is free to let her hair down, walk a bit on the wild side and allowed to show her more flirtatious nature! She is able to tap into her deep well of fanciful ideas and offbeat notions, when she is feeling that surge of Sagittarian vigor, the World is Hers for the taking! Always willing to set off on an adventure in a nanosecond, our Lady Venus will have the time of her life when under the spell of Sagittarian free-wheeling and gregarious persona. Still our Lady Venus retains Her caring, compassionate and loving characteristics — indeed they may be enhanced because Sagittarius is also empathetic, if a bit more casual sign. Sagittarians  love  life — wanting  every precious moment to enhance their experience here on Earth — they love people and feel karmically connected to many. Together, Venus in Sagittarius are family oriented, are outgoing and friendly, and love to engage in banter and intellectual conversations. Always with an opinion on any subject, our Sagittarian brethren will be informed about all things sporting, political, contemporary and timely depending on their interests. Always ready to defend the underdog, Sagittarians usually have a soft-spot for those in need, or who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own. This combination of Lady Venus compassion and idealism, combined with Sagittarius outgoing and engaging personality truly rocks!

As Lady Venus transit of Sagittarius moves swiftly forward, we can use the lighthearted and frivolous energy to enhance our own lives with more outgoing compassion toward our fellow-man especially at this time of year when good-will is rampant. Look to your chart to see where Sagittarius lives and there will be the focus of this wonderful duo — bringing their unique sense of living life to the fullest, loving equally, and embracing the concept that we are all our brother’s keeper!

Starting the month off with a loving Lady Venus in Sagittarius is a wonderful way to begin the Holiday season. The 3rd brings Lady Venus in Sagittarius and Pluto in Capricorn in a snit — back off of a conflict before it escalates. On the 8th in the late evening, Lady Venus and Uranus in Aries are at odds, someone may need more freedom than coddling now. Squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 10th just before church services, you might be too idealistic and place your trust in the wrong person or situation. On the 11th Lady Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio meet up during the evening rush hour, you are feeling good about the day, and are grateful for the blessings you have. The 15th finds Lady Venus again meeting up with Pluto in a more amenable manner, a relationship may move forward. Lady Venus in Sagittarius is snarky with Mars in Scorpio after midnight on the 17th, if you are out at about at this hour be careful of your feelings and don’t accept anyone’s bad behavior. On the 20th a in the early evening, a happy meeting with Uranus in Aries lets Lady Venus pursue an interesting and perhaps exhilarating adventure. Excitement is in the air!  Lady Venus leaves joyous Sagittarius to enter a more practical and analytical Capricorn on the 25th — perhaps a good thing when writing out our New Years Resolutions! Happy 2018!!!


Hint — Find your Lady Venus in Sagittarius love at a Holiday concert — especially if there are big crowds, at a children’s charity auction, on the ski slopes possibly on the bunny hill,  at any romantic Holiday movie, at a football tailgate party, walking near the ocean, buying hiking shoes,  driving a convertible with the top down, volunteering at a shelter, hosting a Holiday party, and wearing black leather pants to work!



October’s Astrological Activity – 2016

On October 1st we have a beautiful trine between Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, raising our compassion for others and bringing us some long desired connection with those who are important to us. However, on the 2nd — two aspects that may confuse and befuddle us are in motion, the Sun engaging Neptune, and Mercury with Uranus — this may bring some disconnect and distortion in our perception. Allow a day or so to pass before making any major decisions or beginning a new project if you can.

With Jupiter in Libra fully ensconced into the sign, we have a compassionate aura over us that can not only help us find our own inner beauty, but also to be able to see the beauty in others. This combination can also help us see our relationships with rose-colored glasses on, so try to be realistic when judging just how well your romance is going. We can, under Jupiter’s stay in Libra allow ourselves to see things as we want them to be, and not as they truly are. Indeed — whilst Jupiter is in Libra we should take a step back from making a long-term commitment unless we can observe the object of our affection with a cool and calculating eye to the future we might share. Write out the Pro’s & Con’s in a list and observe in black and white what each column might have to say. It’s your future and the future of all those in your care — be sure of any choices you make that may have a lasting effect on the quality of your life.

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces is allowing us to tap into our inner spirit, and bringing perhaps vivid dreams that will help give us some insight into what we truly need from those we love, from our leaders, and from ourselves. There is a kind of dance-macabre with Saturn in Sagittarius tweaking us going on in the ether that may confuse us and make us wary of moving forward — we must try to use even these trying aspects in our lives to find the balance and equanimity that is so important, if we are to evolve into an ever higher human being. Our duty to ourselves and our loved ones, is to always seek the highest level of understanding and compassion in dealing with our nearest and dearest. Our Karmic ties are those with whom we must find our way — our parents, grandparents and children should be those with whom we most interact with in order to fulfill our journey here on Earth. They are our most useful compass in this lifetime — they will help lead us to our destiny and our future purpose. We cannot emphasize enough how important your closest relationships mean — neglecting or not being 100% involved with our closest loved ones will mean returning to this mortal coil in yet another round of living and learning just what it is we need to become that shining star of evolutionary sanctity.

October’s New Moon isn’t until the 30th in the deliciously diabolical sign Scorpio which crests at 12:39 PM EST and will help enhance a dark and spooky Halloween night on the 31st, our Full Moon in Aries is on the 15th at 11:23 PM EST, since Aries is a rather aggressive sign, we all should be aware of any anger issues and those who may be out-of-control. As always forewarned is forearmed.

Lady Venus will enter Sagittarius on the 18th turning our seductive vamp into our flirtatious vixen. Lady Venus as always will be able to make Sagittarius Her own, and she will use the playfulness and happy-go-lucky mischievousness of this sign to engage one and all in inane chatter, rollicking adventures, and egregious pranks! Use the vivaciousness of Lady Venus in Sagittarius if you want to attract those who have a lighthearted spirit and want to live free of encumbrances. Wait until Lady Venus enters Capricorn to appeal to a more staid and serious type of connection.Those karmic relationships are truly guided by the stars — tune into each Planet as they enter new signs and begin to take on some of the characteristics of that sign. It is fascinating to see what a difference there can be just because of the Planet’s placement.

Mercury will enter Libra on the 7th bringing more diplomacy and balance into our lives — if you have something on your mind that you really want to get off your chest — this may be a good time to have that chat. Mercury in Libra has a calm sense of duty, of doing what is right, and being a good listener. Mercury is a go-getter, and is sometimes busy just to be busy — with Libra, there is more of a plan in order to get things done — although balance will be necessary in all phases of any agenda.

Other times to note are the 13th when Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Capricorn in late afternoon, this combo can foster rage and unreasonableness, especially in language — confrontations may be quite testy and it’s best to realize that the timing is not good to try to make your point. The 15th bring a Sun in Libra in opposition to Uranus, you can expect the unexpected to happen early in the morning — perhaps a wake-up call that gets your juices flowing. Venus enters Sagittarius on the 17th in the wee hours of the morning bringing us a more lighthearted and carefree Lady Venus. On the 20th Mercury in Libra opposes Uranus bringing the wee hours of the morning some upsetting action — however, you might find that a vivid dream brought you some interesting outside-the-box ideas that have merit.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd bringing thoughts of our loved ones to the fore — a good time to improve relationships within our familial realm. Mercury also enters Scorpio on the 24th adding to our ability to sharpen our tongues — beware of honing your speech too keenly. Venus squares Neptune on the 25th perhaps blurring our vision of what is going on in our world, or making everything seem rosy! Be sure to use your common sense before listening to some faulty promises and flawed ideas. Wait until the 26th when Venus is in good aspect to Jupiter which will give you a more honest outlook on your life and love. You may feel especially cheery this morning — as the clouds have disappeared and you have sunshine in your heart. The 27th brings Mercury into contact with the Sun mid-morning clearing the air and helping you make a decision that feels right. Mars rears a ruckus on the 28th by irritating Uranus late in the evening — the caveat here is not to take unnecessary chances  — do not drink and drive, don’t speed — and walk away from any who seem to be looking for a fight.

Lady Venus meets up with Saturn on the 29th in the early evening hours, be careful of who you trust, and if you are going out for the evening — make sure you are in control of your faculties — watch out for anyone who is overly protective or restrictive. Mercury trines Neptune early on Sunday the 30th before the New Moon in Scorpio — you may have some spiritual awakening, or just a nice service at your place of worship, and you feel enlightened and at peace.

Halloween bursts forth on the 31st with ghosties and goolies, witches and vampires, princesses and superheros, all having the time of their lives. This year Halloween is on a Monday a school night — so our trick-and-treaters will be out and about early! Such a joyous and gleeful night that is remembered for many years to come. I think my children all have fond memories of Halloween’s past — when they themselves were on the prowl for their favorite treats, and again when their own children were going out into the darkness to find their own treasures. So many costumes, so many happy occasions, so many years ago — my heart aches when remembering  those enchanting and effervescent times when we all were so very young!

Happy Halloween to one and all !


A Joyous Autumnal Equinox — September 22nd 2016

Everyone seems to have some opinion when the short New England Summer ends and our glorious Autumn begins. Many are saddened by the shorter amount of daylight, others revel in the cool crisp temperatures that come with this season. Whatever your view, this magical day has been celebrated for centuries by our ancestral peoples — knowing a harsh winter would soon be upon them, they gathered their crops, picked berries, stored firewood, stored root vegetables in their cellars, made preserves, salted their meats, and prepared to survive another long and cold “dark” season.

Today, it’s a much easier existence, and we look forward to hay-rides, apple picking, local fairs, the multitude of autumn flowers bursting forth with their bright russet, gold, orange and maroon hues. Pumpkins appear on doorsteps, and in the fields ready for choosing, the children with ruddy cheeks enjoy the carnival rides at the fair, we bring down our heavy coats and clothing for the bitter winds that will come, and there is a sense of timelessness, of antiquity, of a shared ritual from ancient folks. This is our eternal cycle of reaping, storing, renewal, and rebirth — each time-span reminding us of times past, of those who have crossed over, of our own mortality — the fragile world upon which we live, and our duty to one another in order to survive — and our duty to keep this world strong and safe for those who will come.

Through the mists of time, many have celebrated this day as sacred — the Druids honored the Green Man — the earth keeper, the followers of Wicca celebrate Moban, a feast of sharing the bounty of the harvest. With incantations to the Gods and Goddesses, they welcomed the changes and prepared for the next cycle to come. Knowing that this was the way of the Earth from time immemorial. It was their karma to continue the progression of the yearly rotations, in order to thrive and become whole, become one with the Earth, to Be!

We all have some treasured memories of this changing time of the year, sometimes bringing warm thoughts of hearty foods, stews, hot-pots, roasts and turkeys with all the fixings, enduring favorite desserts — apple pie, ginger cookies, pumpkin muffins, berry cobblers, all washed down with tart apple cider. How wonderful to look back and rejoice in our bounty!

One of my treasured Autumn Equinox memories was brought to me by my friend Jone — who wrote the blog (Reclaim Your Light) — she would unexpectedly burst into my kitchen with her Autumnal robes flowing behind her like a tornado of mystical energy — autumn leaves strewn throughout her clothing and hair, smiling and glowing like a conjurer just appearing in a puff of smoke! She would proclaim a “Joyous Equinox” to all, and lavish my table with vegetables from her garden or some delicious delicacy that was home-baked with fresh fruits from the local farms. Before I could actually acknowledge that she was there — she would disappear with her robes flaring and flapping out behind her, not waiting for a thank-you — her jubilant and triumphant laughter wafting back to me on the air as she drove away! (And – no – she wasn’t on a broom!)

We all should hearken back to some of our treasured memories of these wondrous times of change — it brings back those good feelings of family, friends and fun times.

As the Sun moves into Libra — we prepare ourselves for whatever is to come, with Jupiter now in residence in Libra we will have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the innate beauty in ourselves. Resolve to live every moment to the full, connect with family and friends, and revel in your unique existence. This time is now, this time is yours, this time will never be again. Immerse yourselves in the power of LIFE.

Peace – and a Joyous Autumnal Equinox to all!



Jupiter Enters Libra — September 9th 2016 to October 10th 2017

Happy to be moving on from restrictive Earthy Virgo at 6:19 AM EST on September 9th — Jupiter feels more at home in Airy Cardinal Libra where his big ideas can be executed with the help of Libra’s love of luxury, beauty and self-indulgence. Jupiter’s extravagant plans during the last year were played down by the very conservative philosophical ideals of Virgo. Moving on into more outre Libra will give Jupiter some leeway in presenting and rearranging some of his more outrageous concepts. Of course, being a Cardinal sign Libra has her own agenda and will not back off from a challenge if she feels strongly about a goal. I have found over the years that Libras are often not given enough credit for their intelligence and fortitude. Their outward sweetness and agreeableness usually hides a tough inner core of determination — with the caveat that balance is always an issue — and staying on a steady course will ensure that Libra has a say in any expansive platform. So bold and audacious Jupiter will have some things to learn about accommodating lovely Libra — but they indeed will form a partnership of sorts during the coming 13 months, in order that each might get their own way in certain arenas. Libra’s forte is more artistic, relating to beauty and luxury, loves to be in love, enjoys food and drink, wants to always look her best, and loves to indulge in the theater arts — music and drama. Libra rules marriage, so look for some surprising nuptials in the coming months.

Those lucky ones who have Libra Rising will be entering a new cycle with Jupiter’s bounty, it would behoove them to be aware of all positive offers or opportunities coming their way, of new people coming into their lives who are willing to mentor or educate them in a specific area in which they specialize. They will look their best (be careful of gaining weight), be more eye-catching to others, be able to move their own agenda ahead, and be alluring to many who meet them. Opportunity will be your by-word! Don’t let this year end without getting your most ardent wishes fulfilled. Job, career, home, parenthood, promotion, new companion, better physical and emotional health (Neptune in Pisces in 6th house), your soul-mate, marriage, and/or freedom from whatever is holding you back! This is the year to move to the beat of your own drummer and cast aside those who would impede you from reaching your potential. Lay the groundwork of your success whilst under the umbrella of Jupiter in Libra’s largess. You should begin to see the fruits of your labor by the end of October. Go for the gusto!

Jupiter’s bailiwick is certainly the law, courtrooms, and those who ply their trade therein, also those stalwarts of industry, medicine, religion, higher education, sports figures, and the banking industry. Certainly Jupiter has a lot of influence when it comes to these important areas that are at the heart of our economy and all financial dealings. Jupiter is all for “bigger is better”, he revels in big deals, giant conglomerates, big Universities and Colleges, how our money is handled, big religious rites, and is a huge sports fan!

Look for changes in the way money is being handled, lots more technological usage to pay, spend and send monies of all nations. Also — possibly say goodbye to such low interest rates, Jupiter always wants more! Medicine may find some new cures for currently deadly diseases as Libra brings balance into the mix — perhaps someone reviewing an old tossed-aside study will find an interesting clue to a new pathway to follow! Colleges will need to find ways to be more inclusive in giving grants and financial aid to students — indeed if we are to continue to educate the next generation properly — we will need to draw from many areas that have currently been under-served. If, as the political candidates are promising, we find they are putting more of our tax monies into the infrastructure, there will be more good paying jobs available for so many who are now underemployed or unemployed. Jupiter  who has the travel bug, will want major changes upon the land whilst He is in Libra — roadways, bridges, tunnels, and all forms of transportation should be improved. Actually air-fares may drop a bit as businesses send their emissaries cross-country to ply their trade. Jupiter in Libra can instigate many new ways of doing business, and can bring in more trade from overseas. Jupiter loves travel — and is most happy being in new places and finding new avenues to follow — there is a bit of wanderlust in our Jupiter in Libra — but first-class accommodations only — please! Jupiter in Libra will also give us an opportunity to connect with some of the countries we haven’t been in agreement with for some time, with Libra’s abilities in diplomacy we may indeed change the face of who our true “friends” really are within the World community. Libra can negotiate with the best of the best, and often will come out on top — much to the surprise of those in the debates. With mighty Jupiter cheering her on — there is no stopping our amenable collaborator when she decides to allow others to “get” her personal point of view! Jupiter in Libra — a dynamo of diplomacy in action!

In Jupiter in Libra’s 13 month traverse of the Zodiac, Jupiter’s new persona will interact with the slower Planets as the aspects between them change during His time here. Saturn will remain in Sagittarius and since Jupiter rules Sagittarius there will be some common connection, however Saturn is not Jupiter’s cup-of-tea — Saturn delays, finds fault, can be slow in changing, likes to teach, and is usually not the most easily led. While Jupiter was in Virgo there was a definite sense of unease between these two mutable signs, now in Airy Libra there will be a change, as the sign Libra is sextile to Sagittarius within the Zodiac wheel there may be a lessening of stressors. Both Sagittarius and Libra tend to often go-with-the-flow, however Libra being a Cardinal sign likes to be in charge — and for the laid-back Sag. that might work alright for a while — but Saturn certainly won’t want to take a back seat to Libra, so there will be some kind of tug-of-war between the two. We may see some  major agreements in the legal field, we certainly will see some new Supreme Court Justices being named after the inauguration, depending on who garners the most electoral-college votes — the White House may become an overly ornate, lavish arena for entertaining with sumptuous amounts of food and drink, or a venue for those in need, better education, a more modern military, and a stronger middle class.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn and this may be a thorn in the side of our usually jolly Jupiter in Libra — since both signs are Cardinal — there will be controversy on a world wide scale! We can only hope that somehow the clashes between these two strong signs may uncover corruption, illegal activity, banking misrepresentation,  Wall Street drama and any nefarious ongoings within the business, legal, or investment fields. Pluto, although small, packs a powerful punch when bringing to light any schemes from the dark side — and in Capricorn whose integrity abounds, will see to it that any transgressions are properly taken care of and handled with instant condemnation. On a smaller scale, we should be wary of any get-rich-quick schemes and make sure our monies are in safe and secure investments.

Uranus in Aries will also give Jupiter in Libra a run for the money — truly enjoying creating havoc, Uranus will be tweaked by this opposition of Jupiter. Let’s hope any clash between these two will perhaps break down some crumbling worn-out habits or practices in order to rebuild them on better foundations with resoundingly new ideals. Uranus the Awakener may have some wonderful surprises in store that will bring about a new tide of spirituality and bliss. This combo may also bring about more earthquake activity, new archeological discoveries, and possibly begin another journey into space. The economy may be on Uranus agenda with a major correction on Wall Street happening sooner rather than later. We may find that promised jobs are not appearing and more of the Boomer generation are finding they have to work longer than expected before they consider retiring comfortably. There may also be a volcanic eruption that wasn’t expected within Jupiter’s clashes with Uranus that will compromise air quality and normal flight paths in many areas. It would appear that the Universe will be giving us notice about where we are going wrong in handling our Earth. I, for one, hope the powers-that-be will be listening!

Jupiter in Libra will bring about some Karmic activity when He encounters Neptune in Pisces — there will be a spiritual component to any exact aspects between these two — there will be adjustments to be made! Libra and Pisces both need balance but have the ability to seek out truth, although Neptune sometimes obfuscates the issues, Jupiter in Libra should be able to cut through the fogginess to find the true story. If these two can find a way to work together — they could rule the World — Libra’s bounteous optimism with Jupiter can be the most positive diplomatic persona, and Pisces otherworldly knowledge and instincts can help allow Libra to find those areas of negotiation that will assure that She wins any political conclave. It’s all about working with and within the harmony of the Planetary movements wherein we can capture the energy and possibilities of our own future. Jupiter in Libra can and will make changes to your world, it is your duty to be ready to take advantage of His bounty!

Jupiter in Libra will also be square Mars in Capricorn when Mars enters Capricorn on September 27th until Mars enters Aquarius on November 8th. There will be clashes when these two Cardinal signs decide that they want their own way! Mars doesn’t like to give in to anyone else, and in Capricorn has a lot of grounding and earthiness that can give Him some semblance of control. Be aware that some conflict may come about in the home, and you should remember that those who have always supported you are the best ones that you should count on now. Mars will stir up controversy just for the sake of relieving boredom with stodgy old Capricorn — don’t let any annoyances get out of hand — take a step back and realize that this too shall pass! From January 28th to March 9th 2017 Jupiter in Libra will be opposing Mars in Aries — try to keep an even keel and don’t go overboard with anger or frustration. Any knee-jerk reactions can lead to a break in a familial relationship that has been supporting you and your lifestyle. Don’t lose someone who really means the world to you because of a unthinking remark or action. Let compromise and conciliation guide your relationships with those closest to you — never allow your family to come apart at the seams — Family is all — family is Karma!

All of us can benefit with Jupiter’s transit through Libra — Wherever Libra lives in your chart is where beneficent and generous Jupiter will hand out his munificence. Libra will influence Jupiter’s planning by making sure everything is in good taste, has beauty and brains, and has an artistic flair in whatever format is being encouraged by lusty Jupiter. We can find our bliss under this magnificent duo, we can find our own persona – individuality – character – uniqueness and truest identity! We can find our strength and boundless optimism, our courage and unlimited zeal, our inner beauty and our outer loveliness. Jupiter in Libra will open many doors, encourage us to push the envelope of our talents, and bring us rewards that a long-lasting, beautiful to behold and that will give us a solid foundation of personal power.

Jupiter in Libra — boundless fortitude, eternal beauty, stately elegance, daunting balance, and spiritual bliss! Who can ask for more?


*Look for the post “Jupiter in Libra Through the Houses” — (coming soon)…



New Moon in Cancer — July 4th, 2016

With the Sun and the Moon in watery Cancer on the 4th, you can be sure that a lot of emotion, strong feelings, and family ties will be vying for prominence during this time span. Especially as it coincides with our Independence Day celebration on the Fourth of July! There will be parades, memorial celebrations, and of course, family parties, barbecues, and picnics that will help us celebrate our freedom, our democracy, and our independence — and it will also help to get families together during this pleasant time of year when outdoor fun and games are available to all. Even if it’s only sitting in the back yard under a shady tree, we can remember past times, contemplate our future and enjoy our todays!

The New Moon crests at 6:02 AM EST (add one hour for DST), at 12 degrees of the sign Cancer — it is riding with Mercury, and opposite Pluto. This combination has a mighty Pluto punch that increases the power of this month’s New Moon energy. Especially with Mercury in the mix, we might find that we need to express our opinions on the current state of affairs in the world, or want to bring up old family issues. It truly would be in everyone’s best interest if we could hold-our-tongues, and let the holiday weekend be just for celebrating our Country’s independence, and connecting with our family. Sometimes it is what isn’t said that will eventually hold the most power, and help us find our ability to seek our own place in the Universe — not blaming someone else, not angry at life’s inequalities, not berating our loved ones for not doing what we thought they should have done. I believe most of us are trying really hard to do our best in this lifetime, to do our best for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our karma. Of course, no-one can be 100% there for everyone at every time. But, we try — we fail — we atone — we grieve our insufficiency. Still we give this lifetime our all — and we cannot decry who we are, or how much we can give. We just do our best at any given time, place, or occurrence. That said, we all know that the New Moon gives us the opportunity to do something positive for ourselves and our loved ones.

We have a beautiful aspect between Neptune and Pluto that can bring us imaginative ideas and creative concepts that can help us to bring some of our dreams into reality. Don’t negate any thoughts that randomly waft through your mind in dreams or in meditation — the Universe is giving you these notions in order to show you your natural abilities. Also Jupiter in in a positive journey with Pluto that makes our hard work bring rewards. Use the spiritual input from these Planets to enhance your chances for success.

As the month moves on, Lady Venus entering Leo on the 12th, followed by Mercury on the 13th and then the Sun on the 22nd will give us an exceptional boost of creative energy that will allow us to tap into our deepest spiritually inspired originality. All of this fiery power can inspire us to reach new heights of wonder and magic. Tap into these gifts of the Universe in order to reach those goals that have seemed elusive until now. Write out your affirmations, dreams, desires, and wishes with the energy of the New Moon in Cardinal Cancer, and follow up with the Fiery Fixed and determined sovereignty of Leo!

Since our New Moon is in Cancer, you can tailor your wishes to coincide with a Cancerian theme: family, friends, co-workers, deepest desires, vacations by the water, good health, a happy outlook, more emotional support, a better relationship with family or friends. Indeed — if you want a better working environment, you may want to draw toward yourself more compatible people who understand your goals; better family relationships — ask that any petty problems be cleared up for good, so you all can move on; need a vacation — by all means draw toward yourself a weekend by the ocean or a lakeside cottage for a week. Any and all ideas are able to be put into the ether to be whisked into the Galaxial mists to become your reality.

Meditate, contemplate and ideate all of your wishes and/or dreams. You can bring favorable changes into your realm for the better. Include those you love in your requests and affirmations in order to keep the flow of positive, confident and optimistic energy heading toward you and yours.

The New Moon in Cancer crests at 6:02 AM EST — so all day is powerful to write out your affirmations and wishes, the sooner after the New Moon crests will be the most influential in getting your desires into the ethereal mists. Try to get this one done — and the faster you will feel the positive emanations returning to you. Good luck!

Happy 4th of July!

June’s Astrological Activity

June will be a month wherein we can begin to think about moving forward with our plans. Retrograde Mercury is now moving ahead with alacrity, and Retrograde Mars will follow on the 29th starting his forward movement at 23 degrees of Scorpio. A Mars station can be intense, especially as there is a slight involvement with the Planet Uranus in Aries — perhaps a past karmic transgression that might stir up some trouble if you have Fixed or Cardinal Planets at 23/24 degrees of these signs. Also you may be dealing with relationship issue that have been fragile lately, and there is seemingly no clear solution. You may find it is time to move on, as painful as it may be, but as Mars continues into Sagittarius, you will realize that the time was ripe for change. Usually this is a more global issue with those willing to create chaos having an open widow of opportunity to push their agendas. Perhaps we will begin to see some light at the end of the tunnel, so that our plans for the future will begin to form into a more possible solution, and there will be hope.

That said, our New Moon in Gemini crests on the 4th at 14 degrees of the sign at 9:59 PM EST and is conjunct Lady Venus spiking our interests in all things fanciful. However, in opposition to Saturn, there might be a wet-blanket spoiling our plans, especially since there will be little help from Jupiter in staid and picky Virgo. Perhaps it is best to spend this time span in quiet meditation and solitude. If you do have plans — remind yourself to take any delays or impediments with a grain of salt — and focus on the positives that surround you. Take time to smell the roses, appreciate the natural environment and chill. Perhaps you can write out a list of New Moon wishes ahead of time!

Our Full Moon rises at 6:02 AM EST, in Sagittarius on the 20th at 29 degrees of the sign — I feel that the 29th degree has a bit of karma to it as it feels as if the Moon doesn’t want to let go of the previous sign and therefore the energy intensifies even more than with the usual Full Moon. An out-of-sign opposition to Venus in Cancer will bring some family matters to the fore, and perhaps we will find a reason to engage in social activities within this time span. With the Sun in Cancer now, our families will take precedence over other activities — enjoy those BBQ’s and beach parties!

On the 9th Mercury in Taurus opposes Fiery Mars in Scorpio — this might bring up an issue that’s been festering for some time, we should probably not speak out in haste and then have to retreat into an apologetic and contrite demeanor. Often with Planets in Fixed signs we find the consequences of our actions or words can have long-lasting effects. The 13th shows us Neptune beginning it’s Retrograde phase which may have us feeling out-of-sorts, and perhaps with a foggy mindset. Things aren’t clear, pathways are hazy, and our creativity seems stymied. Returning to some unfinished business or project may be the best way to bring some clarity to our day-to-day routines.

On a positive note, we will be better able to get in touch with our inner spirit and intuition during this time span — Neptune’s Rx period will last for about 6 months — time that we can truly find some deep meaning to our existence. There will be the ability to “hear” and “feel” more clearly those nuances that we usually ignore from our subconscious. We can learn to trust our instincts, our inner voice, and our Spidey senses. We all have that natural “flight or fight” instinct when we know something is wrong around us — and we also have a “this feels right” instinct when we know that we should take advantage of a situation that will bring us some good. Our instinct for danger often overshadows the more subtle positive emanations we receive from our psyche. Take the time as Neptune Retrogrades to listen to your inner voice and spirit — learn to trust what your body, psyche and spirit are letting you know on an ethereal level. Meditation can help to focus your attention on your subconscious, and will bring you a calm”knowing” when you feel “it”! Also pay attention to dreams and random thoughts that you may have during this time, write down any unusual ideas or notions that come to you — and review them at a later time to see if they could have had an impact on your choices.

The 26th brings us an Earthy trine between Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn — depending where these signs live in your chart you will have a practical opportunity to do yourself and others some good. If you need any professional advice about health, finances or real estate, now is the time to move forward to find the right person to guide you. Of course, what you do with the information is totally up to you — check and recheck any numbers, get a second opinion, or ask the right questions to fulfill your personal needs.

June 20th brings the Sun into the sign Cancer for our Summer Solstice (Sun standing still) — a point in time that our ancestors took seriously as the beginning of the planting and growing season. Somehow knowing that these extraordinary days were of extreme importance in their lives, they celebrated their good fortune and continued good health and vibrant existence upon this Earth. They had an instinctual understanding that life on Earth continued in cycles of dormancy, planting, growth, harvesting and slumber once again. In order to survive, they made sure that they complied with the vagaries of the Earth’s natural order so that they themselves would flourish, grow, and continue on with their lives. Facing all manner of natural crises and disaster, they had faith that trying their best, facing all the various predicaments that couldn’t be foreseen with fortitude would eventually get them through to the next cycle — and they would endure. Thanks to our hearty and forthright predecessors we are here now, in a different world, with different needs and different customs — yet we are still at the mercy of Mother Earth and her magnificent cycles of birth and death and resurrection. Our modern lives are quite changed from those of our ancestors — yet we still have our own struggles, to continue on as human beings with an agenda to survive!

The month ends on an upbeat aspect as the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in the sensitive sign of Cancer, creating our need to connect with family and friends to enjoy our own tribe, clan, or band of brothers and sister that we depend on throughout our lives. We are the family of Man — and as such we have survived over the centuries because of our reliance upon each other and ourselves. None of us is an island — we need, indeed must interact with one another in order to survive and thrive. We are humankind — unique, fierce, loving, caring and filled with a magical compassion for our brethren. We will give up our lives for one another, fight with honor for our freedom, and are willing to defend our right to be here upon this fragile Earth.

Humanity Rocks!


New Moon in Aries — April 7, 2016

Our New Moon enters lively Aries on the 7th at 6:23 AM (add one hour for DST), and it crests at 18 degrees of Aries where it will meet up with dynamic Uranus! This super creative and passionate energy will inspire us with new ideas and perhaps a few “off the wall” notions of how we can get things moving. Don’t act hastily, but do think about any “brilliant, unique, or dazzling” thoughts you might have and let them simmer in the back of your mind, while you probe the practicality of the pro’s and con’s! You may be surprised that there is substance and a very rational logic behind your thinking. With Pluto in Capricorn slowing into a Retrograde mode on the 18th we will be looking within our psyches to find what we can do to improve our future and perhaps mend some issues from our past.

Along with Rx Pluto we will be facing a Rx Saturn and Mars (Rx 17th) in Sagittarius, and Mercury in Taurus (Rx 29th) all going into Retrograde mode. This seems to be a long waiting period perhaps until late June when Mars will be moving forward, when we can commence working in earnest on our long-term plans. Of course, life moves on and we will have to address any usual or unexpected issues as they happen — just be aware that they might have to be revisited later in the year. Life is a series of ups and downs that we must learn to traverse with aplomb and perhaps a sense of humor in order to keep everything in perspective. Life is challenging, often arduous, and fraught with change — still we must concentrate on those wonderful moments when our happiness and sheer joy supersedes any ongoing upset. As that memorable quote says “It not the number of breaths we take — but the number of moments that take our breath away!” Try to live for those wondrous moment in your life — saturate yourself with the feelings you feel in those moments and store them away deep in your psyche to renew yourself and your spirit when things are not going so well. Balance, stability and patience will get you through all of life’s many passages with an inner knowing that this is your karma — this is your pathway — this is your life!

Now — the good news is that we all have the positive power to impact our own lives and the lives of our loved ones every month with the entry of the New Moon energy that flows outward in waves of ethereal wisdom and knowledge. We can tap into this vortex of Universal consciousness in order to bring our own desires, wishes, needs and affirmations into the ether and into our reality. With all of the Aries power and passion swirling around us at this moment, we can energize our lives and our innate beings with a magic that is beyond our understanding. Just know in your heart of hearts that our thoughts have a solidity and weightiness that can be picked up by the delicate and wraith-like vitality of the dynamism being brought forth by the Moon moving into Aries. The impact of this vigorous sign and aspect cannot be exaggerated — it is as if an uncontaminated and freshening breeze has dissipated all of the detritus of our lives and has replaced it with a clean slate of opportunity.

In order to use this new prospect of renewal we just have to write out our affirmations and wishes — especially those desires that will improve and restore our lives to balance and tranquillity. Of course, we can request any and all important things that will bring harmony into our spirit, our psyches, and our homes. We can also include any wishes or dreams for our loved ones in order to bring more positive and happy moments into their lives. With the Sun, Moon and Venus riding in Aries together, we have a powerhouse of Galaxial energy to work with all day on the 7th and for the next 24 to 48 hours.

Take your time in thinking about what would make the biggest difference in your life right now — concentrate on those things that will bring about the most constructive changes and write out a detailed affirmation about the issue. You can choose any idea, thought, insight that may help you move in a more positive direction (new job, more money, love, vacation, better living conditions, new home, getting along with family, finding new friends, better health, a calmer mind, a busier social life, being appreciated, moving up in your field or company, feeling happier, getting out of debt, finding true love, letting go of bitterness, forgiveness — for yourself or others, letting go of anxiety, anger and resentment, allowing peace into your heart, finding a higher goal, — well — you get it — anything is on the table)! It’s up to you to find those wishes and desires that will fill the bill for you and yours. Find the time to carefully prepare your list — Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac so it’s a true new beginning for the Zodiacal lunar year ahead!

Make this your year to change for the better and find the truth of your lifetime here on Earth. We all have a specific journey throughout our short time here — most important will be our associations with family and close friends — our karmic past connections. Don’t denigrate the significance of each and every contact as they are here for a specific purpose in our lives. We are to here teach, learn or compensate for past transgressions or past favors as are they! There are no close connections that are random or accidental — these are our karmic ties from the past that we have positive or negative relationships with during our evolution in this life. It behooves us to try to make each connection as strong and loving and positive as we can. Those persons whom we cannot seem to stand, are probably the most important in trying to bring some stability and kindness into the fold. Still — we are merely human BE-ings — in flux — working towards our final evolution as the entities of light and energy we truly are — this may not be our final round of lives upon this Earthly orb — but we must try to evolve into ever higher and higher form as we seek that mystical goal of immortality! We are promised resurrection and reward — and I truly believe we will all achieve this lofty objective.

Peace and Love

March Astrological Activity — New Moon in Pisces — March 8th 2016 — Spring Equinox — March 19th 2016

March is said to come in like a lamb and goes out like a lion, and this year here in New England we are experiencing a milder than usual winter with the meteorologists promising us much warmer weather. Perhaps with Mars entering Sagittarius on the 5th these fiery entities are helping to warm up the atmosphere. I can only say that this works for me — not a fan of the biting cold and usual snowy winters of the past. We will also have two lunar eclipses this month — one with the New Moon in Pisces on the 8th and the other on the Full Moon in Libra on the 23rd. Of course, March brings us the Spring Equinox as the Sun enters the sign Aries on the 19/20th — because of Daylight Savings Time (adding one hour to EST)  here in the USA — the very late evening entry of the Sun into Aries at 11:31 PM EST will slip into the 20th at 12:31 AM DST.

The Eclipses affect all of us depending upon where they live in our charts, spurring us forward to renew our efforts in reaching our lifetime goals. We will perhaps have that “light-bulb” moment in which we realize the path ahead has changed and we must indeed alter our course. For others, it may just serve to let us know we have to be more aware and work a little harder to achieve our dreams. Uranus and Pluto in their dance macabre have been putting stressors on us to make decisions and move on with our plans. This aspect is easing a bit and we will see the results of those decisions come to fruition in the next few months. Jupiter in Earthy Virgo is keeping us stable and Pluto in Capricorn is also bringing a serious tone into our psyches. Uranus in Aries has been playing havoc in that Fire sign and disrupting many of our plans, however, Uranus never tears down anything unless it plans to rebuild on a better and stronger foundation. Working within the ethereal momentum of the Galaxy will ensure a positive outcome in the long run. Take those little bumps in the road with the realization that each one is a small lesson to bring our true course into the light. All will be revealed in time, and we must trust in the Universe that there is a plan for us to follow to our eventual highest evolution.

Spring Equinox — March 18/20th

The Sun entering the vibrant fiery sign of Aries bring that exciting feeling of a new season and also a freshening of the ethereal atmosphere. Our ancestors looked forward to the joyous renewal of the land as the warmth of the Sun re-energized the Earth to bring forth a new generation of plants and animals into our realm. Seeing the new seedlings springing out of the ground always sends a magical shiver of excitement as we understand that life is always about renewal and growth. Dormant for the long winter months, waiting patiently for the rays of the life-giving Sun to stir their growth, and the Spring rains to nurture their essence — both flora and fauna become nascent and burst forth with new life! We still celebrate these moments of flourishing life that endows us with the knowledge that mankind is welcome upon this Earth, and Mother Nature is willing to provide those necessary elements that will ensure survival. The Spring Equinox is all about new beginnings and hope — we all can tap into this exhilarating energy that abounds in order to start with a clean slate and breathe in the heady atmosphere of renewal. Allow yourself to partake of the bounty of the Equinox and review your progress during the last year — if there have been areas of sluggish growth, roadblocks that seem impossible to avoid, or weariness in fighting the good fight — now is the time to reassess your outlook, your goals and your ultimate bliss!

It may be as simple as getting a physical makeover that will spur you on, or perhaps your focus has been in the wrong area — and you can now see the error of your way, and it might be that outside forces have been keeping you away from your own pathway as you had to help others with their journey — now is the time to look seriously at where you are, where you want to be, and how you will get to your eventual dreams. Use the massive power of the New Moon, the Eclipses, and the Equinox to bring your ideal life story into the reality of your today. You are in command of your life and can find a way to use the abundant vitality that is spewing forth at this time. Breathe in the miracle of renewal and revamp your life onto the road that will bring you to your ultimate paradise.

Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse — March 23rd

This month’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 23rd at 3 degrees of the sign will infuse us with a need for balance and stability. Although the Full Moon usually brings discord and unexpected occurrences and perhaps some confrontations — in Libra we have a more lenient element that will help us understand the need for a calmer and more sensible solution to any issues that arise. We will notice that our relationships need more work in order that we may benefit together as a whole — accepting the differences in one another will lead to a more wholesome and respectful union. Also, we will realize that dealing with one another in a courteous manner will bring more compatibility and esteem. Fairness, equality and reverence for one another is the keyword for this usually fractious time-span.

New Moon in Pisces Solar Eclipse — March 8th

I usually write an individual post for the New Moons — however, since this month is such a busy one and all of the aspects seem to point to a new start and a new outlook, I’m including the New Moon within the body of March’s overall activity.

If you only write out your affirmations once in a while, I urge you to use this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces in order to infuse your life with positive and spiritual energy. Especially those born near the date of this New Moon will have an especially strong connection to the power being expelled, use this time wisely and write out your dreams, hopes and wishes. All of us can benefit from the New Moon in Pisces energy that will encompass that deepest abyss of our psyches and our dearest and most ardent dreams and desires. We may experience heightened dream-states, flashes of intuition, and a kind of “knowing” that has no conscious reality. We all should try to listen to our inner voices and deepest heartfelt instincts in order to find our truest desires for ourselves and our families best interests. We do have the authority to sway the powers that be in order to change our pathways for the better. I believe we have a mandate to improve our lives, to bring more love and caring into our realm, and to influence how positive and productive we can be during this lifetime on Earth. We are born, we grow, we learn, we suffer, we love, we are challenged, we survive! We can be the miracle of hope and light to all who meet us — and we can bring beauty and faith and success for ourselves and our loved ones into this journey we call life.

The New Moon in Pisces crests at 8:55 PM EST at 18 degrees of the sign.The sign Pisces, ruled by Neptune (and the higher octave of Venus) rules those areas of our lives that are spiritual, magical and mystical, liquids and fluids, perfume, psychic phenomena, narcotics, anesthesia, art, imagination, the shipping industry, and intuition. Neptune especially in its own sign of Pisces has sway over addiction and with today’s extremely tragic incidence of substance abuse and overdose we are being brought to the exact awareness of how devastating these illnesses are and how they impact so many of our lives.

Of course, we can write our affirmations about anything under the auspices of the New Moon — but the most powerful wishes can be those that incorporate the areas of power that the sign engenders. If you are feeling lost and alone, you can wish for more love and acceptance to come into your life, if you feel you have lost faith in the practical and mundane lessons you learned as a child, you can ask that you are instilled with that naive joy of childhood when everything seemed possible, you can ask that you are able to surrender to a Higher Power in order to find the truth and beauty of your life, perhaps you feel you need to be noticed in a positive and creative manner, you may need the healing power of your inner being in order to become whole once again, on a more practical level — you can wish for a new job, a raise, more help in caring for your family, a better home and neighborhood, more money, a better outlook, more fun and a more carefree lifestyle. Anything within the realm of your imagination can be written down to become your reality.

Life is about choices and decisions we make on a day-to-day basis — allow yourself this gift of the Universe to bring about a more fulfilling lifestyle for you and yours. Find a quiet spot and sit quietly for a few moment to center your spirit — breathe in to the count of four, and exhale to the count of eight — allow yourself to become one with the unseen world of nothingness. Suspend earthly feelings and fears — enter the realm of conscious unconsciousness. Feel the white light of purity, innocence and wonder surround you as a protective shield as you go into the deepest depths of your inner spirit.  You may feel dizzy or disoriented for a while, but you are tapping into the realm of your innermost soul and you can begin to understand the wisdom of your true entity. Feel the sensations tingle through your body as your truth becomes evident within your subconscious. Bring yourself slowly to the real world and begin to write out your affirmations, wishes and desires. Allow any thought to be written down and when you are through, review what you have written. Are you surprised at the results? Peruse your list and add or subtract those things you find are not relevant for this New Moon — be precise in asking for exactly what you need. Nothing is off the table and only you know what will improve your life and the lives of your loved ones for the future. Embrace your uniqueness and holiness — as a child of the Universe you have a visceral and consecrated connection to the stars.

The best time to write out your New Moon in Pisces  affirmations is on the 8th right after it crests at 8:55 PM EST — but the next 24 hours are also powerful. Do this for yourself to better your life and the lives of your family. The Universe gives us this gift of enlightenment in order that we may proceed on our evolutionary journey throughout this lifetime.

Also a Happy Easter to those who celebrate this joyous season — Peace!