New Moon — Solar Eclipse — Spring Equinox — March 20, 2015

I’ve decided to publish this post earlier than usual — it is such a powerful surge of positive energy with the Solar Eclipse lingering for several weeks if not months in some instances. The New Moon is in Pisces at the karmic 29th degree — and the Vernal Equinox also occurs with the Sun moving into the dynamic Cardinal sign Aries later in the day. All strong in their own right, together they are a magnificent force to be reckoned with. It might behoove everyone to really think about what it is they want to have manifest in their lives in the future — take notes, dream dreams, and find what you really want to affirm! Plan your New Moon list with thoughtfulness and a bit of awe and wonder at the majesty  of this Earth, Galaxy and Universe we inhabit. Draw toward yourself the joy, happiness, kindness and love you know you deserve. Blessings!

This month we have a “triple treat” — on the 20th the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces crests at 29 degrees at 4:37 AM EST ( remember to add one hour for DST), and the Sun enters Aries at 5:46 PM EST bringing our Spring Equinox into full bloom! That is a lot of energy being expelled all on the same day, and we can celebrate the end of the Winter Season with elan, grace and gratefulness. We can feel the rampant urge to create and we can tap into our psyches and imagination to wrest out those magnificent ideas we may have allowed to dissipate into the mists of time. Now there is a renewed power in the ether to stimulate and inspire us to dust off any old concepts and view them in a new light.

We must tap into the highest planes of love, spirit and the essence of our soul’s existence. We are here on a journey to evolve to a higher level of being — a being of light, energy, spirit and divine otherworldly transcendence! This is when we truly shine and become the entity of hope and truth that will bring us to total and final fulfillment on our karmic journey here on Earth. Breathe in the mighty forces of your ancestors and the infinite capabilities of eternal life. Begin your realization of forever and eventually arise into the ether as a completely evolved being of light and love. Use the power of the mighty Equinox along with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in mystical Pisces and make that personal evolutionary step toward infinity.

Just the idea that our days are getting longer and the sunlight is getting stronger is enough to make us feel powerful and transformed! Still we don’t want to go off on a tangent of unworkable deeds or impossible goals — rather we should take this infusion of the Galaxy’s energy to empower us to really look at what it is we want to do with our lives from this point on! The New Moon in Pisces at the karmic 29th degree is encouraging us to look deep within, and awaken our most humanitarian and spiritual ideas. If we choose to rise to our highest power, we will begin to feel the Universal ethos of brotherhood and the best of humankind. I feel there can be a fresh approach to our dreams, one that takes into account all of our loved ones and also their hopes and wishes for a brighter future.

On a more mundane plane — we all face difficulties, traumas, and life altering issues throughout our lives — still much of the time the human spirit will rise above the pain and disappointment to become a stronger and more malleable person. We learn to bend and not break through all of the storms of life. We are honed by our trials and we strengthen our resolve every day to keep moving forward. I am always amazed by those in extraordinary situations who can rally and look forward to overcoming any and all disasters that befall them. Humankind Rocks!

Saturn in Sagittarius will turn Retrograde on the 14th moving backwards entering the latter degrees of Scorpio until August 2nd when it turns direct and will re-enter Sagittarius on September 17th. Whilst in Rx mode, we may see a slow down in our own daily activities, and some plans may have to be recalculated in order to bring them to fruition. Work with the Planets movements, and you may be able to moderate any negative issues by being more aware and heading off any problems that might arise. Mercury moves into Pisces on the 12th meeting up with Neptune, this will pique our intuition and our ability to sense what others are really saying! Be open to subliminal messages that will help you to traverse these rocky times. Venus entering Taurus will bring us her most sensitive self, we will be more inclined to want to be pampered and petted — and we will be more attuned to our loved ones needs and desires. Both Mercury and Venus are moving quickly from sign to sign now, so we must be attuned to the vibrations they bring into our lives. These are the “personal” Planets and have a lot to do with our everyday relations with friends and family. Allow yourself to feel each subtle pulsation emanating from these significant Planets as they move throughout the Zodiac.

Now to our motivation to write out our affirmations and wishes with the power of the New Moon in Pisces — there are so many ways that we can use Neptune and Pisces for our innermost desires. Do we need to be more sensitive to others? Want to use our intuition in a more practical way? Are we merely allowing life to pass us by while we yearn to put our talents to work, but procrastinate time after time? Is there a negative person in your life who is holding you back? Are you intimidated by a bullying boss? — all of these and many other issues can be confronted by writing out specific requests. Want more beauty and peace in your life, want to help a friend who has some bad habits, need to release guilt, anger or frustration? The power of the New Moon in Pisces combined with the Solar Eclipse and the Vernal Equinox will give you that boost of energy to infuse your affirmations with a surfeit of positive vitality that will put your thoughts into the ether to begin to ripen and come to fruition. Use the goodwill streaming from the Universe and make it your own.

The New Moon in Pisces crests on the 20th at 4:37 AM EST (add one hour for DST) — write out your wishes with all the detail and specifics you feel necessary and also send these affirmations out into the Galaxial mists with proactive mental acuity. You may write out your list throughout the day for the biggest impact. Give yourself the gift of working with the Universal flow and find that everything seems a little less tiresome and dreary — you will feel the gentle warmth of loving kindness come into your realm. Positive thought can bring positive actions and results if sent out with love — it is the old axiom — you get what you give! And truly — good thoughts and deeds return ten-fold. Draw all good and kind feelings towards yourself — draw only those who have your best interests at heart.

I remember a quote I had on my refrigerator for many years — a pithy, tongue-in-cheek saying — “Life is a test – it is only a test – if it were your real life — you would have been given better instructions!” I still smile as I recall that little note bringing me to the realization that we all have to traverse our lives with its ups and downs — but we all can manage a bit better if we use a little humor. Peace!



March’s Planetary Activity — Spring Equinox — Solar Eclipse

March bodes well for bringing the end of the winter season to a close, still there are a few weeks to go before the Sun enters Aries, ushering in our Spring Equinox on the 20th at 5:46 PM EST.The Spring Equinox always seems to bring a freshening of the atmosphere that cleanses our psyches. Perhaps this is more noticeable here in New England where the winters can be severe, difficult and depressing day after day. A constant venue of snow storms, difficult driving conditions, gloomy days, and the cold winter Sun that brings little warmth. Earlier on the 20th the New Moon in Pisces arrives at 29 degrees  blossoming as a Solar Eclipse at 4:37 AM  EST. This New Moon degree is at a “world” point and carries some serious messages for those in charge. This near zero degree Full Moon touches on a sensitive Universal point that will bring public issues to the fore. There may be a need for crisis management for those in power, and perhaps some unwelcome changes will be on the agenda for many world leaders. It’s a wake up call for doing the right thing before devastating news becomes public. On a personal level, it is the opportunity to begin a new chapter in your overall spiritual health and your ability to connect with loved ones and friends on  a deeper level. Tune into the karmic and mystical vibes of this Pisces New Moon, and cleanse yourself of any angst, unhappiness or anger. Feel the intense emotional depths of your inner light, and allow yourself to become one with your spirit guides. Tap into the magnificent aura of you!

On the 5th of the month the Full Moon in Virgo crests at 1:06 PM EST, at 14 degrees, and brings with it all the intensity of a tidal wave of emotional angst! Virgo is a sign that likes precision, order and analysis — with the friction of our current planetary lineup, Virgo’s usual calm and ordered Universe is in for a major shakeup! If you have a Planet at or near 14 degrees of Virgo, it is a time span to be especially wary and keep an eye out for any disproportionate moodiness or anger issues. Keep a cool head whilst there is agitation and angst roiling around. Use Virgo’s common-sense approach to any situation and reap the satisfying rewards of being able to traverse the vicissitudes of life with ease.   On the plus side Jupiter in Leo is in good aspect to Uranus in Aries, so some of the exasperating vibes may be modulated a bit. These two dynamos can bring inspiration and creativity — so dust off those old plans, paintings, ideas, and projects in order to refurbish your concepts and make them happen. You may be inspired with renewed vigor and fresh ideas so that even you are amazed!

Mars our Planet of passion, energy and ire, conjuncts Uranus (Planet of the unexpected) on the 11th at 15 degrees of Aries which also squares Pluto (Planet of karma and intensity) in Capricorn! Boom! Lots of energy and power schussing through the atmosphere to keep all of us on our toes! It will be best to avoid any lunacy and/or unwise situations if possible — be alert to controversial activity that is spiraling out of control. Also avoid any dangerous activity and/or medical procedures on or around this date — be hyper-aware of things becoming totally unraveled. Mercury enters Pisces on the 12th and is under pressure as it meets up with Neptune — be aware that all may not be as it appears and monitor your communications so you won’t regret any outbursts at a later date (think before you hit send). Think before you speak, and be wary of any legal issues that may pop up unexpectedly that put you in an awkward position. We all must remember that there are consequences not only of our actions, but of our words.

As the Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox arrive on the 20th, it is wise to recall that projects begun before these events usually don’t work out as expected. If you can — plan to implement any new ideas or ventures after the Eclipse has passed. Mercury will enter Aries on the 30th, and then  Mars will be going from Aries to Taurus on the 31st. Communications may pick up in intensity, and it might be difficult to change folks fixed ideas of what is right and wrong. A busy and intense month of unpredictable happenings worldwide, bringing  a need for wiser heads to rule.

On a more local level, we must be aware of our surroundings and be prepared to act when unexpected things occur. Planning ahead is always a good idea, however, we also must be flexible to any new information or situations that come along. Use your intuition, your inner knowing, and your ability to “see” what lies ahead. If we can instinctively plan our pathway throughout this life, with the ability and acuity to bend instead of break with unexpected changes, we will be able to reach out goals with aplomb and grace. The Universe is always giving us a heads-up as to what is going on in the World, the stars impel they do not compel — work with the energy and power at your disposal and make your way through this lifetime with precision and focus.

Break through your Winter blues to the magnificence of the Spring Equinox — refresh, renew, re-establish your true pathway, and work with the wonder of the Galaxial momentum and vitality to maximize your potential. Peace!