Retrograde Mercury Reminder — June 7th to July 1st 2014

We are in for another round of minor annoyances and unpredictable delays with Mercury in Rx mode for most of this month. Starting at 3 degrees of Cancer on the 7th, and ending at 24 degrees of Gemini on July 1st. If you are going to be entertaining or making vacation plans for the 4th of July holiday — remember to double check all of your arrangements. There will be hiccups along the road — whether because of human error or Mother Nature throwing a few roadblocks with unseasonable weather at us.

This particular period will have the most impact on those born early in the sign Cancer (June 20th – 23rd), and those Gemini folks born (June 14th – 20th). But we must remember we all have these signs in our Zodiac charts, and we should look to that area to see what impact this Mercury aspect might engender. The sign Gemini is whimsical and sprightly and may involve parties, get-togethers or reunions. Make sure you have the times and dates correct — otherwise you may show up a day late or at the wrong place! The sign Cancer rules women’s issues, water, emotions, and family. So beware of swimming in areas with no lifeguards or safety measures being honored — be aware that you may be a little more sensitive to others, and let go of any familial angst if attending parties with extended family members. Try to keep a positive outlook and before hurling any negative verbiage at an old rival or adversary — breathe in and count to 10 or 100 if necessary to get by that moment of irritation. Smile — it will make folks wonder what you know or what you are up to — and can defuse a tense situation.

It really just takes a little common-sense to avoid most of the issues we know are impacted by Rx Mercury — communication, transportation, contracts, hasty actions and mental acuteness. Slowing down can help, as will being hyper-aware of all the details involved in your schedules and the tasks at hand.

I find that the most onerous times are when the Planet is slowing to begin its Retrograde motion — so prior to the 7th there might be more delays, more ineptitude on someone’s part and just a period of missing the point. Also, as it begins its forward motion on the 1st of July — you might find another spate of bothersome issues, as Mercury begins to speed up after its ponderous backward movement. However, on the bright side — we often get to resolve issues that have been sidetracked earlier in the year. For some magical reason — the Galaxy seems to smile as it helps us correct those exasperating times that ended unsuccessfully. Rein in your frustration and ire about any petty problems that arise and put your thinking cap on! There is an answer to all of our daily concerns that can be resolved with a little logical thought.

Be determined to get through this Rx Mercury period with élan and grace — rise above any trivial difficulty, and you will be stronger and more in control throughout this time span. Rise to the occasion and be the hero/heroine you know you can be. Believe in yourself — Peace!

Full Moon in Cancer — January 15, 2014

The Full Moon this month crests on January 15th at 11:52 PM EST, at 25 degrees of the sign Cancer. Since the Full Moon is in its ruling sign, this is one of the more powerful Full Moons of the year! The sign Cancer rules all things of a feminine nature, home and family, the breasts and stomach, and the Moon always piques our emotions. Any strife often shows itself in an upset stomach, heartburn, or more seriously as an ulcerous condition. Romantic, sensitive, and accommodating, we often forget that Cancer is a Cardinal sign. Cardinal signs can lie hidden from view, but they are often working behind the scenes to get to their ultimate goal. Overshadowed by the light of the Sun during the day, our Moon folks are usually busy behind the scenes making plans and perfecting their techniques to get just what they feel they deserve. They can be doggedly determined when it comes to helping their family. The extremely motivated Cancer can and will find their niche, much to the surprise of many who thought them no competition at all.

The clash of this Sun and Moon are more apt to place ego against feelings, desires ahead of needs, and this opposing conflict can be rowdy and mean-spirited. During the Full Moon day, the Moon will be conjunct Jupiter (making home seem ideal), square Mars (firing up our ire), oppose Venus (allowing emotions to run riot), and trine Saturn (trying to bring some order to our day)! Tears may flow, feelings may be hurt, and ultimately we will feel wrung out by the end of this time span. If you must be out and about as we near the midnight hour, keep your wits about you, drive defensively, and try to remain calm if any unexpected event should occur.

The Moon goes “void of course” after it crests at 11:52 PM EST, so things should calm down relatively soon — as the Moon travels to reach the sign Leo on the 16th at 8:01 AM EST. Rely on your best instincts, we can only control our own reactions to whatever stressors are out there — use your well-honed diplomatic skills to assuage any anger or upset you encounter. For most of us this Full Moon Day will go by without any drama — keep on an even keel in all of your associations, and you will sail through this worrisome day without impact.

Allow yourself the time to think, deliberate, and plan — do not act hastily and all will go smoothly. The power is in your own hands, mind, and spirit — use all of your abilities to your best advantage. We encounter a Full Moon every month, and somehow we manage to get through them with equanimity most of the time. Be in the moment, don’t borrow trouble, think good thoughts, and remember to include random acts of kindness along your way!