November’s Astrological Activity — 2016

Beginning with “All Souls Day” — November can seem to have a somber or melancholy beginning when we take a moment to remember those who have crossed over. But I somehow find that remembering those we have lost brings me some comfort in knowing that I had the opportunity and pleasure of knowing and loving them. I recall those happy times we shared, the love and understanding that made difficult times easier, the laughter that invaded our psyches with some silly moment that broke the anxiety and tension of our daily lives.  I wouldn’t have missed a moment of knowing those who have gone before me — they enriched my life, taught me lessons, buoyed up my confidence when I had lost it, helped me learn how important traditions were, how intertwined our lives were — not just in this lifetime, but in others long past. Our family ties that have history and ancient beginnings, all of our loved ones that went too soon, but had shared a special moment, a thought, an idea that took root. Those friends that seemed like family who encouraged us, and accepted us as we were (warts and all) and loved us in spite of our human failings. All those cousins, aunts and uncles, parents, perhaps siblings and/or children, and friends that have proceeded into the millennia of time and space — and knowledge and truth. I honor them with the knowledge that their lives had meaning, they were loved, they had their journey here on Earth and their pathway led them to where they were meant to be. I mourn for them but within my own soul I know they continue, they thrive and they have found their authentic soul-persona. They are risen into the light of a miraculous dawn — they know the strength of true love, the solace of the infinite, the joy of freedom and the munificence of peace. Take a moment today to bask in the fond memories of those who have crossed over into the infinity of the continuum of time and space. May their Spirits be free and may they know Peace!

Now — as the month progresses, we are starting our countdown to the hectic activity of preparing for the Holiday Season! Menus are being planned, thoughtful gifts are searched for in the busy marketplace, and the wonder in our children’s eyes bring back the true meaning of this season — faith, love, kindness, sharing, giving, honoring, celebrating, and family! How lucky are we to be able to enjoy these heady times with those who mean the most to us — how blessed are we just to BE!

The Sun in Scorpio until the 21st will have us looking inward and trying to find what it is we really want out of life. Our inner being has all of our answers if we but listen closely and truly accept what we are hearing and feeling. The depth of Scorpio is often a bit overwhelming to us as we don’t always want to “hear” the truth. But — if we can take a step back and allow ourselves to take everything into consideration, and not just focus on the negative and/or positive — we will be able to adjust our thinking to a more productive and proactive state in which we can use all of our energy in a positive manner. When the Sun enters Sagittarius our psyches will be better prepared to enjoy this Jupiterian sign of good-will and fortune!

This month’s Full Moon is in the sign Taurus on the 14th at 22 degrees and crests at 8:53 AM EST — this timing is always an issue with rush-hour traffic — so allow yourself a little extra time to get to work without being overly stressed. As often noted, the greatest intensity of a Full (or New Moon) is in the few hours before it crests — so being forewarned is to be forearmed. The New Moon is late in the month on the 29th in the sign Sagittarius at 7 degrees and crests at 7:19 AM EST — although not having the onus of dire proceeding as a Full Moon — the extra energy created may influence some sensitive souls to exceed speed limits or be distracted while driving — so also a caveat about the rush-hour commute. Of course, New Moon energy is more positive and we can all use this time to create our own reality with our affirmations written during this day!

An early morning Venus trine Uranus connection on the 5th may have brought us interesting dreams or perhaps a brilliant idea that can be turned into a valued product, new method of coping, or maybe just a lovely morning spent romantically with a loved one. On the 7th the Sun in good aspect to Pluto may start your day off with a renewed sense of self and confidence, just be sure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. Mars our Planet of passion and power will enter Aquarius on the 9th just as the day begins — a bit of confusion may ensue as Mars needs a little time to adjust to this airy, intelligent sign. More cerebral than Mars usual physical attitude, there will be some tug-of-war between the two before they settle into an uneasy truce in order to find some common ground. The 11th finds Lady Venus also changing signs moving from jolly Sagittarius into stoic Capricorn — although her flirtatious and irrepressible manner in Sagittarius will be toned down, our Lady Venus will find a way to make her stay in Capricorn work for her. She will be more able to get through the Holiday activity with some practical and useful abilities that will make things go more smoothly. Mercury will enter Sagittarius on the 12th bringing a flurry of activity that will make our heads spin for a while, until we can absorb this delightful time-span, in order to help us move forward with our plans for the celebrations to come.  On the15th Mercury meets up with Mars at mid-day giving us a quick wit and facile mind — perhaps a lunch meeting will have you impressing your superiors. The 18th has Mercury in flux with Neptune mid-morning making us open to believing those who may not be as truthful as we would wish — allow some time to pass before acting on any scheme or plan that might be fishy! Venus in good aspect to Neptune on the 19th at dinnertime will stimulate our imagination and allow us to appreciate those we love, and Hip-Hip-Hooray — Neptune turns direct late tonight — bringing us a more uplifting and spiritual outlook in order for us to take the high-road in all of our dealings. Mars meets up with Neptune on the 21st in the early afternoon stimulating your innate knowing and allowing you to connect to others in a karmic and spiritual manner. Later on in late evening the Sun and Jupiter may push you to say yes to doing too much — and you will find you are better off just by saying NO! The 23rd finds Mercury and Saturn in concert letting us know we have to make careful plans in order to prepare calmly for our Thanksgiving feast, especially since there is a Jupiter/Pluto clash on the 24th at the evening dinner hour that may bring conflict or sharp words — as my Mother would say “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything!” — you don’t have to apologize for something NOT said! Black Friday brings Venus in touch with Pluto and in conflict with Jupiter in the morning  — before expressing disdain or jealousy — take a deep breath and hold your tongue — allow some time to pass before expelling any ire. The next day (26th) is so much better to see things a bit clearer and to explain your frustration and/or disappointment. As the month begins to wain, the 29th brings our New Moon in Sagittarius with its uplifting look to the future, but also some stress between Lady Venus and Uranus that may make us want our freedom and we may make rash decisions that won’t bode well for our relationships. As we end this month and look forward to the busyness of December, let’s remember to breathe, relax and take a step back before plunging into the dizzying activity that is the precursor to our end-of-year Holidays.

We are entering the season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa — of  joy and  goodwill to men — let us all be aware of our many blessings and be grateful that we all live in this amazing country of opportunity and freedom.

Happy Thanksgiving to all — Blessings and Peace!