New Moon in Aries — April 18, 2015

Energy abounds as the New Moon crests in the Cardinal sign Aries at 28 degrees on April 18th at 1:57 PM EST (add one hour for DST). The Moon in Aries goes void of course, until at 4:32 PM when it then enters the sign Taurus. When the Moon is void of course it doesn’t make contact with any other celestial body and over the centuries we have learned that nothing begun during this time span seems to work out without some delay. That said, the New Moon energy is abundant, but I would advise one and all to create and write their affirmation and wish list after the Moon enters Taurus for the best results. All evening and the next 24 hours are appropriate to write out ones wish list. It is attention to detail that gets the job done — and the New Moon in Aries certainly has the spunk to give us a great start on our wish list. Aries is a go-getter, a mover and shaker, a master innovator! We can draw the fiery vigor from our Mars ruled Aries and use it to begin new projects, to enhance an ongoing task or bring new ideas for our future plans. And — although Aries is the best to impel us forward into new areas or adventures — there is a built in boredom factor we must consider. Yup — Aries is quickly bored by any project or plan that isn’t moving swiftly enough — so it is wise to include a good finisher to help with anything you are planning on doing — our Earthy Taurus buddies are always willing to help us finish our ventures so that we reach our goals, and adding a Virgo friend will help to perfect your ideas in a precise and practical manner!

We also get a boost in staying power with Mercury and Mars meeting up in Taurus on the 21st/22nd — you might have a flash of intuition that will propel you forward with a more focused intention. Another boost to enhance our New Moon affirmations is the Planet Jupiter’s forward motion on the 8th of the month continuing until January 7, 2016! This gives us the best of Jupiter’s vibrations now, and in the sign Leo boosts our confidence that we are on our true pathway. Still in good aspect to Uranus in Aries we can use their combined power to help us create our own personal road map to our ideal future. Of course as usual we do have ponderous Saturn creating some difficulty in Sagittarius whilst it is in Retrograde mode and not bringing us the most positive vibes, however — working with Saturn’s need for truth and a clear consciousness of our actions, we can advance with the assurance that our chosen path is the right path. It would appear we are all in for some karmic lessons in handling our own truths, and being aware of what we owe to others. Our time here on Earth is intimately entwined with others — our family, friends, acquaintances and business cohorts — each has a part to play within the expanse of our lifetime. We must be aware of those interconnections that are positive and/or negative — we do have a choice to make and we must always use our intuitive nature to choose the most positive, creative and helpful people to help us move forward to our innermost humanity. Challenges are the life-blood of our evolving into our highest self. It is ours to choose the most appropriate, optimistic and constructive folks to help us on our way.

We are the arbiters of our own lives — choosing to keep a positive outlook, being aware of those who have our best interests at heart, and trying to “do the right thing” within the realm of our own possibilities will bring the best results throughout our lives. Think of those times you may have made a less than stellar choice and there were ramifications you had to live with in order to re-earn the trust you lost. How did you feel during those times? Lost, confused, led astray — learn the lessons from your past and make a vow to yourself not to repeat those mistakes. We all have regrets about things done or not done — it is time to let any guilt or sorrow abate and move on with the help of our New Moon in Aries, to wipe the slate clean of all the concerns you might feel, and you can atone with word, deed or thought. You can take back your life with the courage of your convictions and move ahead with confidence to live a life you will be proud of, using your innate abilities and your desire to live a worthy existence.

With the New Moon in Aries at 28 degrees, we can use the energizing and upbeat tonality of the sign to help us write out our affirmations. Do you need to rid yourself of some negative folks who are stymieing your true path and are leading you down the rabbit hole of make-believe? Do you want the strength to change your lifestyle for a better way? Are you looking forward to improving your standard of living? Aries energy and positivity and strength are ready and willing to give you a hand. Think carefully about what you want to manifest in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Get comfortable and take pen to paper to write out your sincerest wishes. Believe in your power to change course and improve yourself. Work with the magical essences of the Galaxy and the flow of Universal dynamism to jump-start your new life.

The New Moon crests at 1:57 PM EST, but goes void of course immediately — so prepare to write out your affirmations, wishes and desires at or after 4:32 PM when the Moon enters Taurus and throughout the evening hours and all day on the 19th. The magic flows from your hand and heart into the ether and becomes part of the reality of your life — blend with the enchantment of our Milky Way and garner the wisdom of the ages. All thoughts are tangible and true entities in their own right that can then become manifest in the real world. Try your hand at opening up a new way of thinking about reality — there is so much we cannot see or feel — yet it is there! Use your intuition, your inner spirit, and your open heart to hear, feel and benefit from the unseen part of this world we inhabit. You may just amaze yourself – Believe!